Journey of taste: Gum fills the body with energy, also keeps constipation away, history is thousands of years old

Journey of taste: Gum fills the body with energy, also keeps constipation away, history is thousands of years old


The gum extracted from the Acacia tree has been produced for thousands of years in many regions of the whole world.
Gum has also been given importance in Ayurveda. It is used in many medicines.

Taste of Travel: Gum is a natural food. It is such a diet that slowly comes out of the trunks of trees and turns into gum. It is odorless, but rich in taste and qualities. Gum transmits energy in the body and keeps away constipation. It is also helpful in reducing weight. It is considered special in Ayurveda and it is used in medicines for digestion and reducing obesity. Gum has been consumed as food for thousands of years.

Edible gum is totally different from gond katira

What is gum? It is a sap from the Babool tree, which is converted into crystals by the heat of the wind and the sun. Edible gum is also of two types. Edible Gum and Tragacanth Gum. Both are similar in appearance, but different in effect and use. Their direct identity is that if gum is put in water, it dissolves completely, whereas when gum katira is put in water, it turns into jelly. Food experts neither consider both as fruits nor vegetables or greens. Ayurvedacharya and dietician keep it in the category of herbs and dry fruits. The effect of Gond Katira is considered very cool and its sherbet is drunk a lot. Its pudding is also made.

Gond Katira is so beneficial that it protects the body from heatstroke. On the other hand, the effect of gond is considered hot and it is consumed during winters. You must have heard grandmother’s gum laddoos, in which dry fruits, sugar, flour or semolina and gum are mixed. It is believed that if a gum laddu is eaten with a glass of milk, it not only gives instant energy, but also circulates heat in the body. This glue is easily available at the grocery store. Fry the light brown yellow colored grains (Cristal) lightly, they will swell. By making their powder also, any kind of diet can be prepared.

Many Species, Thousands of Years of History

The history of Gum is considered very old. It is an alkaloid derived from the Acacia tree and it is believed that the Acacia tree has been growing in dry areas for thousands of years. One or two food historians believe that it originated in the desert areas of India and the entire Asia region and from there it spread. Due to the specialty of its gum, the importance of this tree continued to increase. In fact, there is a description of the acacia tree in the religious texts of India, the Puranas, and it is believed that Lord Vishnu resides in this tree. The glue that comes out of this is considered very good.

Some historians consider the origin of the acacia tree to be the desert region of Africa. In fact, his words can also be considered correct. The reason for this is that around 100 species of acacia are found all over the world and some of its species were first grown in Africa as well. Sushma Naithani, Associate Professor (Senior Research) in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at Oregon State University, US, has directly linked the origin of gum to the Ethiopian centre. They say that Somaliland and Ethiopia are the origin centers of gum. The bottom line is that gum extracted from the acacia tree has been produced for thousands of years in many regions of the world.

Helpful in increasing hemoglobin

According to food expert and home chef Simmi Babbar, the trend of gum is increasing continuously. It is being enjoyed by adding it to ice cream, various types of sweets, bakery items and fruit salads. Its biggest feature is that it provides instant energy to the body. In the old days and even today, when a pregnant woman or a child is born, women were fed gum laddoos. The reason for this was that it is not only digestive, but also helps in strengthening the bones of the mother and child. By consuming it regularly, the problem of constipation will go away forever.


Due to the specialty of gum, the importance of this tree has been continuously increasing. Image-Canva

In Ayurveda also the importance of gum has been told and it is used in many medicines. Image-Canva

An article published in ‘The American Journal of Cardiology’ states that gum consumption is helpful in controlling cholesterol. Apart from iron, gum also contains nutrients like protein and folic acid (helpful in making red blood cells), which are helpful in making hemoglobin. Due to this the body will be saved from anemia.

Gum also improves the immune system

The effect of gum is hot, so it is consumed more in winter. But in today’s era it is being eaten in every season. Fiber is also in sufficient quantity in it, which not only keeps the digestive system healthy, but also keeps the stomach full. This reduces the chances of gaining body weight. Its intake also continuously improves the body’s immune system, due to which the risk of common diseases remains away. Gum has also been given importance in Ayurveda. It is used in many medicines. Consuming gum in normal amounts does not have any side effects, but if eaten in excess, there can be a possibility of rejection in the body.

Tags: food, Lifestyle

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